Harassment Restraining Order Dismissed
Project Details
Project Description

Greg Young successfully defended a client accused of harassment against a former business associate. After the business relationship soured, the business associate petitioned the court for and received a Temporary Ex Parte Harassment Restraining Order against Greg’s client. In the Petition requesting the harassment restraining order, the petitioner accused Greg’s client of showing up to a state park where the petitioner was camping. The client then reportedly obtained a campsite near petitioner’s campsite and sat in a lawn chair for seven hours staring at the petitioner and her campsite. Greg’s client was legally carrying a holstered firearm at the time. The petitioner further alleged that she and her husband received strange phone calls in the week leading up to the state park incident from individuals she did not know. One of the phone callers indicated they were referred to petitioner’s business by Greg’s client.

Greg brought a Motion to Dismiss the Ex Parte Harassment Restraining Order and case against his client. Following briefing and oral arguments, the district court granted the Motion to Dismiss agreeing with Greg’s argument that petitioner failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.